Inhale, exhale, knit! An anti-stress activity par excellence, knitting is apparently the new yoga for the brain. Modes & Travaux explains in 7 points why you should indulge in tritherapy.

1. Learn to knit to clear your head and stimulate your neurons
Made of a series of controlled and repetitive gestures, the practice of knitting plunges us into a sort of state of meditation. Some even claim that by modeling our breathing on the assembly of the rows of our work we could calm our heart rate.
The practice of knitting in psychiatry is old. Formerly used for occupational purposes, this activity has today become a real tool for therapeutic mediation.
Knitting – especially when you’re just starting out – requires such concentration that there’s no room left to ruminate on dark thoughts or dwell on your problems.
In addition to being good for morale, knitting also has a beneficial effect on our brain. A study conducted by the prestigious Mayo Clinic showed that knitting helped reduce memory loss by engaging certain parts of our brain. Yonas Geda, the professor of neurology and psychiatry behind this study, also found that knitting would have a positive effect on diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
2. Because it’s timeless
This winter we were once again able to see numerous creations by the greatest fashion designers, worn by models on the catwalks. Giant sweater at Michael Kors, soft mohair dress at Fendi, neon yellow crop top at Balmain or even knitted tote bag at Dolce & Gabbana, wool is always invited on the catwalks.
3. To leave your mark on the city
Is knitting the new graffiti? Yarn Bombing or “urban knitting” was born in the United States in 2024, inspired by Magda Sayed. The young woman had the idea of covering the door handle of her wool store in Houston. She had just launched an artistic movement.
First developed in Eastern Europe and England, yarn bombing consists of covering urban furniture with knitting: benches, statutes, posts, tree trunks, metro entrances… nothing can resist it!
It is often a collective practice embedded in a cultural context with the agreement of a municipality.
In France, it was in Angers, in 2024, during the Artaq urban art festival, that the first major urban knitting work was launched.
4. Because it is satisfying
Forget the scarf with holes or the jacquard sweater with snowman patterns like Marc Darcy in Bridget Jones. Today it is very easy to start knitting and see a sweater or hat quickly come together under your nimble fingers that you will be proud to wear. In a very short time and with a little practice you will create works with stunning results.
5. Because learning to knit… it’s easy
Knitting can be learned very quickly. Even if you don’t have your grandmother around to teach you the basics of garter stitch, there are many tutorials and videos on the internet that will teach you the basics of the precious discipline. The best part: you can pause and press the “return” button thousands of times without hearing any complaints!
Less bulky than the latest Marc Levy and more relaxing for your eyes than the 1285th level of Candy Crush, a knitting kit (one ball and two needles) fits easily in your handbag. Is your dentist making you wait? The RER is dragging? The line at Jacquemus’ private sales? No worries, grab your knitting kit and the wait will turn into an opportunity to practice.
6. Because it is economical and responsible
In the age of fast fashion, knitting makes it possible to create original, strong and durable clothes and accessories. Knitting is already a big step towards more ethical and responsible consumption. But to go further there are also organic wools (from Bellelaine or Toisons Bretonnes ). And if you are vegan and avoid wool clothing, there are also organic cotton or even organic hemp knitting yarns made in France.
7. Because it’s user-friendly
There is bound to be a place near you where you can practice knitting with others. In recent years we have seen the proliferation of knitting cafés, tea rooms where we exchange good tips or even knitting aperitifs with friends or neighbors. All of these places have the common denominator of bringing together knitters of all levels, in a warm atmosphere. Mutual aid, advice and kindness are shared by moving needles.
Knitting lovers and wool addicts who don’t like to get nervous are showing off on social networks like Youtube and Instagram. Our selection to help you see more clearly and glean lots of ideas.
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