
International news and features from the worlds of fashion, beauty, design, architecture, arts and luxury from Asia2Tv Style.

8 Articles

10 Simple Habits To Enhance Your Personal Style

Why is personal style so crucial? Your sense of style speaks volumes about who you are. It conveys to the outside world your...


The Power of Accessories: Transforming Outfits from Ordinary to Extraordinary

When it comes to fashion, we often hear the phrase “less is more.” However, every fashion enthusiast knows that the perfect accessory can...


Eco-Friendly Style: The Future of Fashion

Fashion has always been a reflection of societal changes, mirroring the evolution of culture, technology, and values. In recent years, one of the...


7 good reasons to learn to knit

Inhale, exhale, knit! An anti-stress activity par excellence, knitting is apparently the new yoga for the brain. Modes & Travaux explains in 7...


Earrings choosing and wearing them

To attract attention and highlight their charm, women can use many tricks. Some of them opt for colorful makeup or a trendy hairstyle,...


Return to fashion for the 80s look how to adopt it

The rather extravagant clothing styles of the 80s are coming back to the forefront. Between the pronounced shoulder pads, bright colors and shiny...


Spring rediscovers the timeless brightness of satin

 Nights in white satin / never reaching the end ”, sang Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues in 1968, already enchanted by the hypnotic nuances of...


The renewed trend of boho trousers the style choice of free spirits

The bohemian aesthetic , with its melting pot of colors and ethnic patterns, has always been a hymn to lightheartedness, creativity and the desire...