Practical Life

Parents know there are life skills that our children need to learn – from cooking and paying bills to managing mental health.
6 Articles
Practical Life

How to Stay Self-Motivated: Strategies for Achieving Personal Goals

In today’s fast-paced world, self-motivation has become a critical factor in achieving success. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, or a student,...

Practical Life

The Silent Giants: The Importance and Wonder of Trees

Trees are remarkable life forms that have been a part of Earth’s ecosystems for millions of years. They provide countless benefits, not only...

Practical Life

How To Boost Your Self Confidence

What Is A Confident Person? Not everyone is born with an inbuilt sense of self-confidence. Sometimes it can be hard to develop confidence,...

Practical Life

Christmas meal which wine for which dish

A few days before New Year’s Eve, we bring you the (almost) perfect pairings between excellent dishes and prestigious wines. What wine to...

Practical Life

Decorating your Christmas table 3 golden rules to create magic

To amaze your guests during the Christmas holidays, there is no need to overload your table with decorations to create magic. Go for...

Practical Life

How to make a herbarium

Do you like to collect wildflowers, plants from ditches or tree leaves that litter the ground? To preserve them, create a herbarium. A...