If you have a very close friend, you might one day wonder if they would like to be more than just your friend. It is possible that their feelings have evolved over time and you might notice changes in the way they behave towards you. There are some clues that will help you determine if this person has fallen in love with you or if you will never be more than friends.
1- Notice changes in behavior

- Analyze how this person treats you. When you both spend time with mutual friends, notice if this person treats you differently than they treat their other friends. They might be more affectionate with you, try to talk to you more, or make comments about your relationship.
If your best friend treats you like he treats his other girlfriends, he’s unlikely to like you. On the other hand, if he treats you like he treated his ex-girlfriends, he might be hoping for more than friendship.
This will help you determine if your friend is just being nice or if he has romantic feelings for you.
2. Notice if you’re spending more time together. Sure, you probably spend a lot of time with your best friend. However, ask yourself if the activities you do together resemble what you would do on a date. For example, do you go to dinner before going to the movies? If so, is it usually just the two of you?
When someone starts to feel attracted to or fall in love with someone, they’ll usually want to spend more and more time with them. If you notice that you’re spending more time with your best friend than you used to and that your outings feel like dates, maybe they want to be more than just your friend.
Also notice if your friend tells you that they enjoy spending time with you one-on-one. This could be a way of telling you that they’re looking for more than just friendship.
3. Listen to the way he talks. Listen to the way he talks about you to others and the way he talks to you. When we are attracted to someone, we tend to use a special tone, which we use only with that person. He might also be nervous around you and blush easily.
Pay attention to the way he laughs at your jokes or at things you do. If he laughs more often than usual, it might be because he likes you.
Friends are not shy with each other. If you notice that he seems shy and reserved about certain topics, it might be because he is interested in you. For example, maybe he acts shy when you talk about your love life…
4. Listen to what he says. Your friend may be trying to subtly tell you how he feels about you. Maybe he’s trying to bring up romantic topics or asking if you have anyone in mind right now. Maybe he’s also trying to strengthen your connection by asking you deep questions about your life, your dreams, your goals, and your desires. Since he’s your best friend, he was probably already paying attention to what you were saying. But you may notice that he’s now remembering little details about your life that he would have forgotten before, like when you have a test or a doctor’s appointment. He may show you that he remembers these things by wishing you good luck or making a small comment when the day comes.
5. Notice flirty behaviors. If he’s flirting with you, he probably likes you. But this type of behavior could also be his habit and not mean anything. You’ll have to learn to understand his behaviors. Luckily, you probably already know his personality pretty well. Look for signs of flirting attempts like:
He compliments you often,
He stares at you and smiles when he talks about you,
He touches his face or hair when he talks to you,
He laughs at all your jokes, even when they’re not very funny,
He teases you or makes fun of you in a gentle way.
6. Look at how he dresses. You may notice that your friend pays more attention to his appearance when he knows he’s going to be spending time with you. For example, he might wear more dressy clothes or clothes that he knows you like. Or if he’s a girl, he might wear more makeup and take extra care with his hair. When you’re attracted to someone, you usually try to present yourself in the best light . If you notice that this person always pays more attention to his appearance when you’re spending time together, it might be because he likes you.
2- Evaluate your relationship
Figure out how you feel. Do you have feelings for your friend? Ask yourself if you would be willing to pursue a romantic relationship with this person if you found out that they liked you. How you feel about your friend will influence your reactions to their behavior.
If you like your friend, try to be honest with them about how you feel. If you’ve noticed any signs, they probably like you too. For example, you could tell them that you like someone to see how they react and ask them if they have anyone in mind.
Say, “Jennifer, I’ve been thinking a lot about our friendship, and I think we could be really happy together.”
Examine your own behavior. Without even realizing it, you may be betraying your feelings for your friend. For example, you may be flirting with him or her, getting physically close, or opening up to him or her emotionally. If you don’t see yourself in a romantic relationship with your friend, you’ll need to stop these affectionate behaviors because you may be giving him or her false hope.
If you like this guy or girl, keep sending him or her hints about your feelings.
Talk to him. If you’re still unsure, just ask him. This will be the only surefire way to determine if your best friend would like to be more than just your friend, but it does come with some risks. First, the person may not want to jeopardize your friendship and may not tell you the truth.
Make sure that you wanted your friendship to evolve into a romantic relationship before you ask the question. If not, it’s best to just avoid the topic and let your feelings fade away. If your best friend suddenly takes a chance or opens up to you about it, then you can approach the topic honestly.
If you want to ask him, say something like, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I’ve noticed that things have changed between us and I was wondering if it’s because your feelings for me have changed.” This will give him a chance to share his feelings for you.
– Be yourself. Don’t act differently around him because you like him. If he likes you, it’s because he likes you the way you are and you don’t need to change for him.
-Stay calm, in all circumstances. Whether you have feelings for your friend or not, it will be important to determine if he has feelings for you, if you notice that he behaves differently with you. Put him at ease before inviting him to talk to you about his feelings.
– Try to communicate with your friend face to face and not just by text or on Facebook.
Be yourself and enjoy his company.
Do not discuss this topic when other people can hear you. Your feelings and what you say to each other are private matters that you should keep between yourselves. Whether you decide to just be friends or try a romantic relationship, this decision should be made between the two of you.
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