Home History What would Roman’s do if a city peacefully joined the empire?

What would Roman’s do if a city peacefully joined the empire?




Honestly, the Romans had a pretty chill way of handling it.


They’d let the city keep most of its own customs and leaders, just adding some Roman officials to make sure everything ran by Roman rules and taxes got paid.

Don’t forget, a big perk for the city’s people was Roman citizenship, or at least for some of them. This gave them more rights and a say in the empire’s politics. It was a great way to get people on board.

They also invested in the city’s infrastructure, building roads, aqueducts, and cool public places like baths and theaters. This not only made life better but also boosted the local economy with new jobs.

Romans also brought in their legal system too, which was pretty advanced. This made trade and interactions smoother since everyone followed the same laws.

Lastly, they’d set up a military presence for protection and to keep things in order. This wasn’t just about control but also about keeping the city safe from threats.

By doing all this, the Romans made sure the new cities felt like they belonged and saw the benefits of being part of the empire.

It was more like a team-up than a takeover, making both sides stronger 🙂





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