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21 Articles

Top 10 tips for preparing your trip

1. Find your ideal destination It seems obvious, but it’s the most important step! To properly prepare for a trip, first find out about...

Practical Life

Christmas meal which wine for which dish

A few days before New Year’s Eve, we bring you the (almost) perfect pairings between excellent dishes and prestigious wines. What wine to...

Practical Life

Decorating your Christmas table 3 golden rules to create magic

To amaze your guests during the Christmas holidays, there is no need to overload your table with decorations to create magic. Go for...

Practical Life

How to make a herbarium

Do you like to collect wildflowers, plants from ditches or tree leaves that litter the ground? To preserve them, create a herbarium. A...


7 good reasons to learn to knit

Inhale, exhale, knit! An anti-stress activity par excellence, knitting is apparently the new yoga for the brain. Modes & Travaux explains in 7...


Earrings choosing and wearing them

To attract attention and highlight their charm, women can use many tricks. Some of them opt for colorful makeup or a trendy hairstyle,...


Return to fashion for the 80s look how to adopt it

The rather extravagant clothing styles of the 80s are coming back to the forefront. Between the pronounced shoulder pads, bright colors and shiny...


Spring rediscovers the timeless brightness of satin

 Nights in white satin / never reaching the end ”, sang Justin Hayward of the Moody Blues in 1968, already enchanted by the hypnotic nuances of...


The renewed trend of boho trousers the style choice of free spirits

The bohemian aesthetic , with its melting pot of colors and ethnic patterns, has always been a hymn to lightheartedness, creativity and the desire...